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The fusion of biological principles with technological innovation has resulted in significant advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) through the development of Brainoware. Developed by...

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Generative AI

Generative AI (GenAI) models, such as ChatGPT, Google Bard, and Microsoft's GPT, have revolutionized AI interaction. They reshape multiple domains by creating diverse content like text, images, and music, impacting communication and problem-solving. ChatGPT's rapid adoption...

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The research team from Google AR & VR, in collaboration with the University of Central Florida, conducted a comprehensive study to validate a virtual avatar library called VALID, consisting of 210 fully rigged avatars representing seven...

This AI Paper Unveils ‘Vary’: A Novel Approach to Expand Vision Vocabulary in Large Vision-Language Models for Advanced Multilingual Perception Tasks

Large Vision-Language Models (LVLMs) combine computer vision and natural language processing to generate text descriptions of visual content. These models have shown remarkable progress in various applications, including image captioning, visible question answering, and image retrieval....



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LLMWare Launches RAG-Specialized 7B Parameter LLMs: Production-Grade Fine-Tuned Models for Enterprise Workflows Involving Complex...

Last month, Ai Bloks announced the open-source launch of its development framework, llmware, for building enterprise-grade LLM-based workflow applications. Today, Ai Bloks takes another...

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Being a Chief Technology Officer (CTO) of a fast-growing AI company, Pixis, my team and I are constantly striving towards answering one key requirement:...

The 14% Conversion Rate Growth Story: Unravelling JOE & THE JUICE’s Dynamic Partnership with...

In 2002, JOE & THE JUICE emerged as a Danish urban oasis, captivating health-conscious consumers with its organic, locally sourced juices and coffee. Quickly...

Meet LLMWare: An All-in-One Artificial Intelligence Framework for Streamlining LLM-based Application Development for Generative...

Despite the massive interest in Large Language Models LLMs over the last year, many enterprises are still struggling to realize the full potential of...

A Paradigm Shift in Software Development: GPTConsole’s Artificial Intelligence AI Agents Open New Horizons

In an industry where change is the only constant, GPTConsole has introduced a trio of AI agents that stand out for their innovative capabilities....
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